Perhaps the single most complaint that visitors – and residents alike – have when commuting through any given city in Texas is the abominable drivers out on the road. As such, it comes with very little surprise that a recent study named Texas as the state with the worst drivers.
With the good comes the bad, and in Dallas alone with its happening city life, exquisite food scene, and beloved bars, parks, and more, there is (just to name one) a major drawback that stands out among the rest. The ungodly traffic has plagued our city for lifetimes, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the drivers – well – we could be a little more careful.
Car Insurance Competitors, a company that traffics in all sorts of car insurance topics, recently conducted a study to find where the worst drivers in America resided. Taking into account car accident death rate, failure to obey traffic laws, careless driving, drunk driving, and speeding, the study concluded in a tie between Texas and New Mexico as the states with the worst drivers.
According to the study, Texas’ score suffered the most in careless driving, followed by speeding.
“In the careless driving category, Texas’s pedestrian death rate per capita was 2.24. The cyclist death rate per capita was 0.23. Out of all fatal car accidents, 30.71% involved speeding,” the study states.
Texas didn’t sparkle well either in drunk driving either:
“Texas had the highest percentage of fatal car accidents involving a driver with an invalid driver’s license, with 19.1%. It also had the highest rate of alcohol-related fatal accidents among these 10 states, with 79.56% involving alcohol.”
As mentioned, the Lone Star State tied for first with our New Mexican neighbors – who prevailed as the most careless drivers of the bunch. The two-way tie was followed by another two-way tie between Montana and South Carolina.
According to the study, New Jersey is home to the safest drivers.
Drive safely out there, folks.