With all due respect to the late and beloved Tiny Target, a new miniature roadside pop-up has graced the lands of West Texas. Out of nowhere, seemingly, a tiny Buccee’s has been resurrected in an area outside of Marathon, Texas.
Every self-respecting Texan knows that a road trip within state borders isn’t complete without a proprietary stop at Buc-ee’s. Whether it’s for gasoline, unreal barbecue, or to use their pristine bathroom facilities, paying homage to the gas station conglomerate and cultural institution is essential.
While most of the recent Buc-ee’s news has concerned its gigantic, slightly traitorous opening of the “world’s largest convenience store” in Tennessee, Texas can lay claim to its smallest outpost.
News of the wee new Buc-ee’s first emerged with a photograph uploaded by artist, Matt Tumlinson. The photograph instantly created a buzz among his Texan following. According to Tumlinson, the facade is located 20 miles east of Marathon on the way to the town to Sanderson and/or by driving toward Marfa ahead of the the split between Alpine or I-10.
Though visitors might not be able to stock up on kolaches, pick from every soda under the sun, or cop sweet merchandise, you bear witness to the truth that not everything is bigger in Texas. Or just take a photo.
As of this moment, there’s no answer to how or where the store front came from. There’s been no official response from Buc-ee’s.
In regards to the late Tiny Target, local Sheriff, Ronny Dodson, cited safety reasons. He told CBS7 that vandals had stolen cinderblocks from the structure, causing it to be unstable. In order to prevent passersby from getting injured, the Target had to be torn down.